The Movie of ((SISI the big balloon of lies ))

The Movie of ((SISI the big balloon of lies ))

While he was hanging with his tail to a tree holding his cell phone And laughing. Another monkey ((kiky)) relative to him passed and came to ask him about the reason he was laughing.

So the monkey son of cousin of the last son of the monkey who taught muslims how to stone women caught committing adultery (( moky)) answered him :

(( moky)):I am watching a movie actually an arabic islamic movie.

((kiky)) asked: what is it about? .

(( moky)): SISI big balloon of lies. And I am watching one of the last pieces finished from that movies.

((kiky)) : Last pieces do you mean the end.

(( moky)) : Actually no. Not the end as this movie is unique. It has no end written by the writter or the director or actors. The end will be written only by the audience of the movie.

((kiky)) : That sounds very interesting. Why don't you show me parts of the movie you're watching.

(( moky)) : Ok but let's watch it not in order. As I carry them without order on my cell phone. But at the end You will get the order yourself.

First piece or part.

(( moky)) : It is one of the last piece that was recoded from that movie. And it was in the christian coptic cathedral In the event of celebrating the birth of jesus. Which is a thing happened for the second time in the whole of christian coptic church history.

((kiky)) : If you mean the last celebrations I think I get what you mean. It is the visit of SISI to the church while celebrating.

(( moky)) : Yes partly right but Not the visit actually I am interested in. But what happened in the church during the visit.

((kiky)) : Which is ???

(( moky)) : It is stopping the prayers inside the church to give talk to someone not christian while celebrating a religious event. For the second time.

((kiky)) : Hey wait a minute here what do you mean??. This is normal if someone came to congratulate you.

(( moky)) : Actually no. The teaching of the church does not say so. It never teaches to stop prayers to God for sake of any person.

And the protocol was that who congratulates come and leave . Or goes to sit on chair prepared for him. But never to be given the right of speaking and over that. The prayers and mass stops. while he can give his word through media letter to the visit. Or record it and give it to media to be published while visit.

((kiky)) : Yea. Kind of right but it is still okay. And what do you mean??. do you critic the pope of coptic church??.

(( moky)) : It is not wrong to critic anyone. especially. When he leaves In another occasion when one of his people calls on him because he had a problem And everyone wondered then about what happened. It was just a lecture by this time.

(( moky)) : And over that church teachings talks about such a thing and warns from it. And bible describes how it is not right when a poor man comes in a church to be not respected. but when a rich man comes he becomes over welcomed forgetting the reason of presence in a church from the beginning. Which is worhiping . And how it is not right to stop prayers for God to listen to one of his creation. And also Teachings warns about not to depend on man hand. But on God's hand. Where is that in stopping prayers to listen to man.

And most recognized it is not just about the cathedral. But it is kind of spreading in the coptic church. And even same person gets attention when he becomes in good position Or rich than he himself gets when he is poor. Or not in position. (( This is away from children for good luck ))

((kiky)) : Did you forget yourself??. Are you trying to condemn pope and church. You are just a monkey. And over that where is SISI in that?? And why is the movie name. it seems not about him or his lies.

(( moky)) : First of all I don't condemn. I am just critiquing a movie. Secondly in the teachings of christian coptic church no one is without mistakes. Even prophets. Abram the father of fathers as called in the church made same mistake two times but still God was with him. Because he knows human weakness And knows heart and thoughts of human.

And at the end I am just a monkey.

(( moky)) : Secondly SISI has everything about it. Beacuse it was his fake movie at the end to show something not related with the fact of life of coptic christians. in egypt.

((kiky)) : explain to me More.

(( moky)) : It was a deliberate action. Like the movies. It is just for the image of the regime. And everything was set for that image. It is not about any facts. And if it proved anything. It proved the real condition of covering on facts in egypt.

It is more like look we are okay. while:

1) There is a constitution in Egypt carries discrimination and distinguish between Egyptians. especially in this condition the copts. Dividing Egypt into followers of state religion And non followers. The start of every corruption in egypt.

2) The law of contempt of religions which is law made to protect islam. And to punish any non muslim with it. Despite he insulted or not. And moreover it is not applied on who insult religions but islam. And who insults other religions does not get caught by this law. And more over religions but christianity and judaism are not even considered from religions.

3) the continue of kidnapping christian coptic women and girls. And over that officials from prosecutors threatened a man wants to save his wife . saying to him and what is the problem if few hundred of you dies. When he told him that he managed to know the place she is in. And wants police to go and get here out instead of making clashes. So prosecutor answer was like go if you dare. You and who goes with you will be killed. And no propblem in that for the state.

4) Problem of displacement of copts which continued. For any problem they force christians under state eyes and support . to be displaced and leave their home lands .

5) Killing the copts inside army. And over that protecting killers. And claiming that copts committing suicide. And not just one case. But many cases and not one criminal brought to justice or military trail. Which is used in other cases without need to it.

6) Problem of preventing the build of churches in the home land of copts the indigenous citizens of egypt. And more over the joke in that is how media shows how generous SISI is for giving permission for an old church to be rebuilt. Without questioning about the reason of prevention from the beginning.

7) The continue insult for christianity inside official media from tv and radio. And continue encourage for not accepting christians in positions or as president. which is a joke by itself.As the president must be a muslim. like saying who must be a president in egypt. Is someone without manners. Believing in raping children.And That allah the God of muslims will give him in after life children do not bleed for having sex with them.

And other many problems like taking lands by force. These are just examples for the continued problems. Of copts in Egypt . which are no different than previous time.

But guess what at the end. The movie is made to say everything is okay.

((kiky)) : But how is that??. Didn't you see his popularity. It came even that one of bishops said SISI feels safe between copts. How come he is so popular while all these problems there.

(( moky)) : this is exactly the movie. Gives popularity more big than what it is in fact.

As first of all and in the way of how SISI talks. :

Don't you know that there were copts in the old regime.

really. don't you know that.

you must know it. really.

and those copts are three types. poor ones looking for hope. smart rich looking to run their business without problems. And stupid rich hoping for power and authority they never get regardless how much they pay.

And beside who attend celebrations in cathedrals come with invitations only. Saftey is normal feeling as copts are not killers. And all are invited.

And there is another part of copts which believes for real that SISI will do something so they support him. Noticing that even mubarak had supporters from copts.

Popularity Does not mean everything is okay. espically when it is in a movie. Or that would of meant that real actors never get punsihed for mistakes. But in fact they do get punsihed.

((kiky)) : Okay enough with this part of the movie. Let's go to another part

(( moky)) : fine let's go on to another part. It is about making a constitution

Second piece or part

((kiky)) : Yea the constitution which you said about it the start of every corruption.

(( moky)) : Right. which carry many jokes. first of all the committee that made it. which one of it's members was qualified to be in committee just because he was an ex-terrorist And claim that he left terrorism. While in an interview on satellite channel. He declared his mind about jihad And loyalty.

And guess what :

He said that jihad and loyalty must be only for three.

Allah the God of islam which will give muslims children do not bleed to fuck in the afterlife.

His prophet Muhammad the man without manners. that rape and steal. & (marry underage children . which is another joke. Was on another satellite channel. that a Sheik was talking about marriage in islam. And how men need to follow the prophet when dealing with their wives. As the 50 years old prophet used to play a race with his 6 years old wife Aisha and tell her you won once And I won once. Muslims need to be loyal to that man ).

And third loyality and jihad must me

And third:- loyalty and jihad must be for the nation of islam and khalifa.

And the reason he left terrorist is that he thinks that khalifah does not exist now. ((( But if khalifa exists. He will declare loyalty to him. and leave the state.))) This is first joke from the many jokes coming. that a person ready to leave loyalty to constitution at any moment chosen to make it.

second joke. of course is the religion of the state which is a normal result. To putting ex-terrorists. And giving a terrorist organization called al azhar. places equal to three different churches in egypt. while Azhar terrorist organization represent only sunni muslim in Egypt.

And the complete of this joke is the members that were afraid that if they deleted religion of the state they will be called infidels. The people need to know that they are believers. That they believe in islam and believe in raping and kidnapping and marrying children.And no problem for racism . And dividing Egypt. the important thing is to be called (( mohmen which is believer)). proving that all of the committee failed.

third joke is that after the whole of this failure effort of the committee. the constitution was thrown to garbage and violated like if it does not exist.

when letting the religion parties while it says no religion parties. (( here only islamic . and other religion parties prevented )).

when making terror law all it's real aim is preventing protests not fighting terrorism. while constitution says protest is a right no one can prevent.

when SISI appeared two times with military clothes while he is a civilian in front of law and constitution. and without being put to question or trial.

while constitution says all are equal in front of law.

((kiky)) : It seems like disgrace not a constitution according to this. So enough with this part. let's watch another.

(( moky)) : ok fine. let's go to the big fake illusionary projects.

Third piece or part.

(( moky)) : No one can deny how important it is for any state going into unrest to make national project to connect and unite the whole nation. It is the duty of its intelligence and security in some times to support that. (( And if not doing that it means not doing your duty ))

But what is needed in that is transparency and not hiding or deceiving.

As it is different to play with lies. And supporting efforts on real projects.

And this is what happened in suez canal. And nuclear fusion facility. And the new million hectares of agricultural land.

And let's start with suez canal. which was declared as a new line beside the old line of the canal.

And that what it needs is about 60 billion pounds as cost. And it was proposed to fund it from shares in the market . then it came out to be through banks with fixed rate interest in fear of the result if truth was discovered. And shares came down.

( which can easily be discovered using the same method of making publicity for the project. which is images from space. like google earth. which any one can test by himself. which proves what was digged was actually an arc. starts in point on canal then going out to come back to the canal in another point. creating what is more like traffic square in the canal. Not more than that. And using the scale map. You can discover that this arc of the canal is not reaching half length of the suez canal. And of course this never takes the cost was decalredOr even 20% of it. )

And the whole of this is a thing anyone can test by himself manually. using the publicity images used by the project. Or by google earth.

Giving a big question about collecting money in this project. But let's assume good intentions. And this money will be used to keep stability of the country. A good intentions. And at the end there was a project. Even if there were big lies around it.

But then comes the second project which is nuclear power to produce electricity. Not bad too. but is it true. And is it really to produce electricity Or for other intentions. As some in egypt show admiration of north Korea lunatic. Like if it is ok to have power to kill your people . no problem with that. With such a racist constitution and without trust and such admiration of lunatics iin egypt admiring lunatic in north Koria. I doubt intentions of such a project.

And last one until now which is big fake project of Tracts of agricultural reclamation. Which a joke appeared in it. They brought actors to claim they are farmers.

given big questions about what is going on in Egypt.

Making national project is a duty in an unrest countries. But corruption and lying is not a duty.

Trying to unite people is good intention. But what you are trying to unite people for is the question????.

trying to unite people on accepting raping and kidnapping and marrying children and call it values.

And from jokes of destiny in Egypt where Honorable non-muslim girls and women get kidnapped and raped and tortured to become a muslim.

This same value turned numbers more doubles of muslim girls to be sold as prostitute And slavery as sex slaves for arab riches.

this is justice of heaven.

This is what you are trying to unite egyptians at. This is what you are lying for. And from another side does it worth really.

((kiky)) : I don't think this is a value I want to lie and unite people for it. Let's watch another part of the movie if still there parts.

(( moky)) : yes there is still part which is fighting corruption.

The last piece or part for now.

((kiky)) : I keep hearing this word what is corruption. No one defines it.

(( moky)) : simply corruption is using Your power And influence as an official or unofficial member. or using your money in aim of getting gains with no right in getting it. Regardless these gains are money or land or building. Or even to get more in power and authority. this is part of corruption too.more simply it is using dirty ways to get something you don't deserve.

((kiky)) : Can you show examples.

(( moky)) : first of all. the constitution. And how corruption is used to get certain results for an issues not your right to have or force on others. And this is the biggest Joke of corruption. Because it legitimate corruption. And distinguish. Makes it legal to be corrupted and take others rights.

And most noticed thing about corruption in egypt that who is fighting it.

As regime of mubarak which all is corrupted by corrupted laws or by direct stealing. Is the one claiming fighting corruption.

Organization used lies to get to power (( this is corruption by itself. Hotdog )).

And when you see them coming back again fighting for positions. And it is given to to them. And claim fighting corruption.

Forgetting that there is a political corruption. same as money corruption.

When giving corrupted law cookers positions. The dirty persons that cook dirty laws to serve corruption.

And then claiming to fight corruption.

What a movie.

And when a person was in middle of killing process And hide information. And becomes a president.

What is that but corruption. What is forcing exact persons in position but corruption. what is fighting who fights corruption but corruption.

But the movie goes on And corruption goes on. And cooking laws for protecting corrupted people goes on.

And SISI who hide informations about crimes. Is president. And he is fighting corruption.

cheer up. clap your hands for the movie. clap your hands to the law. That is cooked to fight corruption.

clap your hands to the police and prosecutors threatening people. and covering criminals.

clap your hands. To presidents who broke their own laws and constitution but still believe that they fight corruption.

clap your hands to judges saying not every egyptian son can be a judge. No not his right to dream about it . It is just for certain people. And this called in media a bad political declaration. Not corruption he should of said it in another way. More smart than that.

Yea smart in not telling and covering. Don't say just practise in hidden.

A movie. Continues by replacing minister of justice. The smart one that brought to judges money again. After claming the maximum wage rate was applied on them.

This is the way of fighting corruption. Make them blind pass it from under their chins. As long as they don't know about it is fighting corruption. clap your hands and cheer up for those who fights corruption in egypt. And under your own chin they cover it using the laws. To prevent the rights and legalize taking over public money. and after all of that the movie goes on.

((kiky)) : what a nasty movie. when will the end of it comes.

(( moky)) : Soon the end will come. And it will be put by the audience.

And advice from a monkey to the actors and directors of that movie. To get ready because the audience is about to put the end for that movie.

And to SISI you have to options to do.

First is doing good and take corruption down.

Second is to get ready to join Mubarak and Morse.

In your way.

(( you must know that. Really . you must know it. if you don't know it . you must )).

Notice that this movie did go to taking money from foreign dirty countries.

As taking money from saudi to support regime. Not different than taking money from Qatar.

Do you know what is this crime called??

Ask the audience


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