Execution. & the complete image.
Two criminals met in the court cage. One of them was accused with rape & murder of many victims. And the second accused with assault and rape of many victims. They made a fast chat with each other while in court and each one of them. knew the crime of the other one. And both were expecting the judgment on their crimes that day.
The first one who was accused with murder went in to the court. And because the country they were having trial at was a country that deleted execution. they judged him with the greatest possible punishment which was life jail.
And after him came the second one. which was accused with assault & rape. & also because there was no execution. They also sent him to life prison.
And after that they took them both to go to the prison which they will fulfill the life prison in it.
And because each one of them knew the story and crimes of the other one. The one who was accused with assault and rape. looked at the second one accused with murder and said : My mistake was that I left a witness behind me. If it wasn't that witness I didn't kill. I would of been free by now. And if I knew that both crimes at the end will be punished the same I wouldn't hesitate.
The other one smiled. & said: It took them more than 10 years to get me. Never hesitated. just missed to make sure that my hunt was completely dead.
Later after a while the one accused with rape and assault managed to escape. And the thought became the fact. he committed many many assault and rape cases but this time with no witness. And after a while they caught him. and brought him again to trail to get more years in prison. So he smiled and laughed inside the cage and said to the judge how about a few more years like two or three hundred years. And started without any fear or care to talk about the crimes he committed while he was escaping. No one knew about. Which made a shock to the judge and the people inside the court.
As he was right. What difference would it make. To him. As the ultimate judgment became vulnerable and cause no fear of punishment.
put the beginning story in the back of your mind. we will use it later. And bring all your attention & feeling & humanitarian issues inside you. And set yourself to discuss & question that issue >>> execution or death penalty<<<.
it is so simple . It is the matter of order. The matter of mistake and punishment to keep the order.
And as big as the mistake must be the punishment. It isn't necessary that it is exactly the same. Or in revenge way. but what must be is that it is as big as the mistake.
Or the consequences will be making mistake look smaller than it's real size
for example if we had a naughty child. who likes to play with fire. or likes to play with knives & hit other with knives. And gave him a punishment the same as what he gets when making noise. that will make it for him not more than making some noise. And will not get the danger it may cause.
what was applied on children can be applied on adults by the same way.
So if we assume that in an X country the law equals between the punishment of an assault on a working policeman and between assault on the governor and assault on president. And a normal person has some issues wants to show his anger.
unlike children it won't be about what he may understand wrong. But about what he knows for sure. 3 years in prison if assaulted on policeman or governor or president. who would he choose.???
hurry up. give him a little help here. put yourself in his place . it is the same three years. who would he assault on ??
Of course you are right. the big one. It is the same punishment.
And if we left that person with issues. To look at an organized crime group (mafia). If stealing money from a company like stealing national treasure like stealing nuclear weapon. for example. And we assumed it was able to accomplish any one from the three. And nuclear weapon is more profit. And punishment is the same.
what would this criminal group choose ???
hurry up again . put yourself in their place. same risk. It is the same risk. what would they choose???
OF course the bigger profit. which if failed would be punished as the lower profit. And only exemptions for these examples are if the person or the group is or are mentally ill. to do different choices. Or it is a personal matter like targeting an exact person or place for revenge.
((( = And what do we get from these examples. That making worse crime equal to a less worse crime in punishment is totally a wrong matter. And will encourage the worst to happen and prevent the less worse from happening. Instead of what it should be. Which is always trying to prevent the worst thing from happening. = )))
And if you did bring the story in the beginning of the article from the back of your mind. You will find it showing the exact idea.
But let us assume it did happen differently. That the one who committed murder was sent to death penalty.
Can you imagine how much difference that would of made in the story. ???
This part is up to you to imagine. (( puting away mental illness or revenge which are special cases )).
So it is clear for you now. And more clear that the article supports death penalty and not calling for deleting it.
And the idea of punishment must be big as the mistake. With no necessary to be the same way or in revenge way.
And so if someone killed another person with all his intention to commit the crime.
he has done a great mistake. no one can fix it or help fixing it by any means.
((( = He stopped another life from existing. He prevent another person from being alive in our living world.
He deleted & erased a value from our living world. A value he can't return back.
And for that he must pay a value equal to the same value he took as punishment. Or he and others will underestimate that value. Which is the human life.
And that's where comes the death penalty. Which is giving the same value he deleted & erased. As a punishment. which is not necessary to be by the same way he killed his victim or by a revenge action. But as a justice punishment. As an execution. In the proper way the law sets. = )))
((( = And also not forgetting to mention that death penalty is not just about killing a person. But about underestimating the value of the human life in general. So if a person did an action he knows the out come of it will be killing other persons and still he did it. he deserves the death penalty. = )))
For example. If we had aid money to help in natural disaster and someone stole from the money he knows that it will cause the death of persons in need for it. And it did happen that people died. He deserves to pay the value he underestimated. Which is human life.
Or if a person cheated in building materials and knows his cheat will cause collapse. And it did happen and people died. He deserves to pay the value he underestimated.
As long as the out come did happen and people died. He is responsible for killing them.
But Still you said in the article to bring our feelings and humanitarian issues with us. Where are they from execution.??
How can we be against killing and on the same time do it??
And it won't stop crimes . So why??
And how about if the person was oppressed and did not commit a crime ??
How can we make it up to him ??
Very tough questions. But answering them will bring the complete image of execution Or death penalty.
So let's start answering them. First of all being against killing is about the unjust and oppressive actions. It is not just about being anti killing.
Or let me shock you with that fact. Humans are the supreme killers on the planet earth.
We kill plants,animals,birds,fish,and even insects to live. And despite that we fight to keep nature alive. so What do we fight for exactly.??
Do we fight to kill ourselves or to try to say that we want to be alive by keeping nature.?
Nature that provides us with the food. And we just should take only what we need and respect the nature to keep ourselves alive.
It is the same way in execution. We are trying to put a value to the human life. To remind everyone that it's price is expensive. And we only kill who underestimates this value. To protect and keep us alive.
And prevent the lose of more lives on the hands of that one who underestimated lives. Imagine a world without respect to human lives. With persons see their lives only and other lives not equal to theirs.
((( = So at the end execution is just a natural justice method.
And Like fighting to protect nature won't stop killing it at all. or that will mean our death.
Also execution won't mean to prevent all crimes. But as we said putting a value for the human life. Preventing underestimating it. And also to keep us save and alive. By putting a justice pnunishment as big as the crime. And preventing the worst from happening And getting back to the beginning story and puting death penalty will show you how. = )))
Ok still one question how about oppressed persons. who can be executed for no crime.??
And to be honest that is the toughest.
As there is a principle in justice says it is better to set ten persons free. If you don't know the innocent one inside the ten. leave nine criminals to prevent harm of one innocent.
And that what will make me praise the american court system and other court systems alike in matters of execution.
it is said that slow justice is unjust. It may go in all cases but matters of execution.
As being slow in giving an execution judgment assures and supports the Value of the human life. And that's what the execution is all about. Human live value.
And on the same time giving a long time as possible as if it was a life prison. To give every chance possible for new evidence that can change the case.
((( = But still at the end nothing is perfect. As even life prison can has an oppressed one that died inside prison. And later it was found he was innocent. So it is the same But in the case of execution we made a punishment to prevent the worst from happening instead of supporting the worst to happen in case of life prison. = )))
And by that we put the complete image of ececution
It is putting a value to human life.
putting a punishment equal to the crime.
preventing the worst action (killing) from happening.
preventing the mistake of giving same punishment to less worse and worst action.
After answering all the question about execution. And before the end of the article. There are some free thoughts to be mentioned.
Which are that laws are put to serve people in the time of living. and it changes to suit their needs.
And in nowadays there is a need for execution laws. Especially in countries that apply life prison now. Which are mostly in europe. Or outside but facing the same situation europe is facing now. which is the flood of muslim immigration.
And what will be said in that free though is just about facts not more.
islam which you call a religion is just an ideology of occupation. It teaches literally inside quran that land of infidels (non muslim ) and women and children belong to muslims. ( not a joke I hope it is ).
so raping and killing of wome & children or even men will spread. And with laws Of life prison killing will be like leaving alive. ( life prison ). So killing will be the option to mange to do more harm with the same punishment. Or enjoying rape as long as possible by killing victims which can be witnesses .
Another ending though. execution does not mean not loving or not forgiving. No relation between both. It is just about justice. value of The human life. And order and safety of society by always trying to prevent the worst from happening. So when a judge gives the judgment it is not because he loves or hates but just because this is justice.
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