They are the devils not us.
The devils fight with a poor human to listen to them. So they point to another group and say look at these ugly evil devils over there that do evil actions and write evil teachings. they are not us. We are another thing. Yes we look same ugly. But we are not them. Yes we may be evil But this is not us . Yes they do evil things. But we do other things. Yes us and them share same teachings but we will not do as them. Like if words change the fact and action and teachings.
who are the bad devils. the bad terrorists that apply islam but the other good devils which share with them the same teachings and signing over the same contract says that they are bad and you must believe them.
how . ???????????????
by a racism constitution in egypt. Built on islam the same source of evil and racism.
By forcing the islamic teachings in schools . and forcing quran in schools.
By forcing others to say quran is good. Forcing them to lie for not getting threatened.
By forcing muslims to be in positions and fighting non muslims to get in any position. And joke hell ya be humble the other religious hypocricy leaders say.
by forcing churches not to be built.
By forcing the fund of islam from the money of the state .
By supporting terrorists from under the table and making contracts with them.
which happens that the regime in egypt now is not doing. they are angels not like the bad scum terrorists that kill. they are polite and different.
Why don't you just believe that bullshit . espicially if they managed to convince stupid political leaders in foreign countries which seek only to harm their political rivals. And happy about some one gives them a tool to achieve their target and not aware of the fuck they are in same as those who were fucked before them.
Sisi = Morsi = Mubarak = racism constitution in egypt = Enemies of freedom in Egypt

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